Have you ever met someone who just oozes warmth and loveliness and sincere, genuine passion and friendliness when you meet them, without them coming on too strongly or seeming too clingy? You have more than likely just met someone with an incredibly balanced sacral (second) chakra.

This person embraces the world head on, is absolutely at ease with themselves, and have their arms invitingly wide open to the world around them. They embody energy, compassion, emotional stability, and have a huge, out-of-this-world zest for life.

They will also be completely in touch with themselves and have a very grounded intuition.

On the other extreme, you may experience someone who is suffering from an out of balance sacral chakra, which will be causing them incredibly frustrating problems, and feeling out of whack. A little less grounded, and insecure, timid even, and fearful of what life is throwing their way.

What is my sacral chakra?
In Sanskrit, the second chakra is calledSvadisthana, which translates as “one’s own place.” We all need to have our place, to be surrounded by our tribe, in order to have a sense of belonging and wellbeing.

The tasks of the second chakra include allowing for emotional and sensual movement in our life, being open to pleasure, and learning how to “go with the flow.” It is often called the body chakra because it is where you connect with the physical body through your senses.

The sacral chakra is the chakra of sensuality, pleasure, emotions, intimacy, desire, and sexuality. It defines how we connect with others, how we choose our relationships and partnership, what they mean to us, how we respond to others, and what motivates us.

It teaches us that when we take our hands off the steering wheel of life, our hips naturally start to let go, our reproductive organs become less tense, and we’re open to experiencing our sensuality and sexuality in its fullest, thereby enhancing our personal relationships.

Where exactly is my sacral chakra?
The sacral chakra is located in your lower abdomen, about one to two inches below your navel, and is directly linked with the hips, lower back, genitals, and womb.

A sprinkling of the external symptoms of a second chakra deficiency:

  • Fear of pleasure
  • Sexual problems and sexually related guilt
  • Discomfort in the lower back, hips, and reproductive organs
  • Emotional volatility and hypersensitivity
  • Significant trust issues.

A sprinkling of the external symptoms of an excess in the second chakra:

  • Overly needy and emotionally dependent
  • Sexual addiction
  • Poor boundaries
  • Sex becomes an attitude about life, a way of thinking and being.

Where can an imbalance in our sacral chakra come from?
People who were raised in an environment where emotions were repressed or pleasure denied will be more likely to lack energy in the second chakra. Sexual abuse during childhood can also lead to feeling closed down in this chakra.

On the other hand, excessiveness may result from a family environment where there’s a constant need for stimulation (entertainment, partying) or frequent emotional drama.

Finding balance will make us feel fabulous.

In the modern world, the masculine and feminine principles of life are generally out of balance: the masculine energy of action and expression often overrules the feminine energy of wisdom and acceptance, causing increased stress in our lives, relationships, and in our hips!

I’m sure you’ve heard your yoga teacher tell you that we store our emotions in our bodies; that memories, anxieties, and tension linger on in cells stored deep in our tissues.

When we go into a yoga pose that opens a part of the body left untouched for a while, we start to release those deeply stored memories and emotions.

So it makes perfect sense that yoga brings up emotions. In our practice, we learn to control our breath, to calm and slow down our minds, and to help us to unwind.

Introducing a regular practice of hip opening poses is a perfect way to work toward clearing the negative energy and keeping the positive energy flowing through our sacral chakra, resulting in fabulously delicious relationships with our partners, and a blossoming and healthy sex life!

Delicious Yin Yoga Hip Openers
Maintain a kind attitude toward your body, relax your hips, and allow any negative or stored emotions to flow readily out of your body as you ease yourself into these poses.

1. Double Pigeon
Bend your knee and bring your right shin parallel to the top of your mat.
Stack your left knee on top of right ankle, left foot on top of right knee.
Hold for 5 minutes, move to the other side.

2. Pigeon
Bring your left shin parallel to top of mat, draw the heel closer to your groin.
Place right leg in a straight line behind you.
Lower down to your forearms, then rest your head in your arms, a block, or onto mat.
Hold for 5 minutes, then move to other side.

3. Straddle
Take legs comfortably wide, knees and toes facing the sky.
Exhale, hinging forward from the hips, slowly walk fingers forward as you curl gently into your spine.
Rest head in hands or onto a block.
Hold for 7 minutes.

4. (Half) Happy Baby
Lie flat on your back, legs extended ahead.
Draw right knee into chest, bring arm to inside of right knee and hold toes with right hand.
Come into Half Happy Baby Pose, pushing knee towards your chest while facing sole of foot to the sky.
Relax into muscles and ease slowly deeper.
Hold for 5 minutes, then move to other side.

5. Reclined Cobbler Pose
Lying comfortably on your mat, bring the soles of the feet together, bending the knees and lowering them towards the floor.
Hold pose for 5 minutes.

6. Frog Pose
Take it or leave it, this is adductor heaven, or hell. Keep the pelvis and heels in alignment with the knees and flex the feet gently.
Try to bring knees wider than the outside of the mat. If comfortable, release forearms to mat.

If you are very open in adductors you can rest your stomach on mat.

Hold for 5 minutes.

I hope these tips for sacral chakra balancing inspire you on your journey to be your best-and healthiest-self. We take on Part Two of the Sexy Chakra series soon, so stay tuned!

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