What is chakra healing?

When the chakra system functions properly, it is characterized by several properties:

  • Balance, overall equilibrium
  • Distinction between the different quality of energies or frequencies associated with each chakra
  • Appropriate intensity or level of energy of each chakra
  • Appropriate direction (clockwise or counterclockwise)
  • Appropriate polarity (inward and outward flow, or reception and expression)

It’s important to note that a chakra does not function on its own. It is part of a dynamic interrelated series of energy centers forming an entire system. Understanding what chakra healing means involves not only knowing how each individual chakra functions, but also how they interact with each other.

There are many energy healing modalities, some rooted in ancient wisdom and practices, some more recent. In today’s alternative medicine, we find reiki therapy as a common healing practice.

What Is A Chakra?

Chakra translates to “wheel”. The 7 chakras in the body are distinct energy centers that start at the top of your head and end at the bottom of your spine. They regulate all parts of your bodily system, influencing everything from emotional processing to resistance to disease.

Why you should balance your chakras?

When you experience blockages or imbalance in your chakras, your mind, body, and spirit begin to suffer. Chakra balancing is the process of restoring harmonious and balanced flow of prana throughout the body. When your chakras are well balanced, it brings feelings of well-being, relaxation, stability, and embodiment of yourself.

Practicing daily awareness of your chakra balances allows energy to flow more smoothly, improving your mood and energy. Our Chakra Blends combine the therapeutic benefits of essential oils and the energetic properties of gemstones to aid you in opening and balancing your chakras.

How Does a Chakra Work?

A chakra may be a wheel or a vortex, but it operates like a ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body. The chakras themselves are not physical; you can’t see them on an X-ray. They are aspects of consciousness, and they interact with the physical and energetic body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the nine endocrine glands, and also with a particular group of nerves, called a plexus, making them important elements in healing. Thus, each chakra corresponds with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland, which is they key to understanding how chakra healing methods work.

The chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness. Your consciousness, how you perceive your reality, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, perceptions, and possible states of awareness can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a particular chakra. When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical and energy body associated with that chakra (see the energy body / chakra healing flow diagram below). Where you feel the stress depends therefore on why you feel the stress.

When you are hurt in a relationship, you feel it in your heart. When you are nervous, your legs tremble and your bladder becomes weak. When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness, and therefore in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra and communicated to the parts of the physical and energy body controlled by that plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time or reaches a particular degree of intensity, it creates a symptom on the physical level and requires chakra healing to resolve. Again, the symptom serves to communicate to you through your body what you have been doing to yourself in your consciousness.

Just like thirst (by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated), the physical symptom belies a long-standing energy body imbalance. In order to reverse it, physical change may be required first as well as chakra healing practices. When we change something about our way of being, we can release the stress that has been creating the symptom(s), and then we can return to our natural state of balance and health.

Are Your Chakras Balanced?

In general, there are five warning signs that your chakras may be out of balance. In striving for balance, too much or too little energy in each of the chakras creates imbalance. Remember: the goal is harmony – balancing your chakras does take effort.

The general warning signs are:

  • Something feels “off.”
  • You get sick.
  • You get sick. Again.
  • You start making silly mistakes.
  • Everything seems to be falling apart.

Each of these general imbalances manifests as specific physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances in each chakra. Let’s take a closer look at how imbalances in each chakra can influence a sense of disharmony in the body system as a whole.

What is the meanings of the 7 chakras?

  • Root Chakra or Muladhara – responsible for feelings of security and basic survival
  • Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana – pleasure, joy, desire, creativity, sexuality, emotional balance
  • Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura – self-esteem, confidence, courage
  • Heart Chakra or Anahata – emotional freedom, compassion, empathy, social relationships, love
  • Throat Chakra or Vishuddha – honestly, faith, artistic expression, communication
  • Third Eye Chakra or Ajna – perception, imagination, wisdom, decision making, intuition
  • Crown Chakra or Sahasrara – bliss, enlightenment, spirituality, universal energy

What Is The 12 Chakra System?

The idea of a 12 chakra system is considered as relatively new. As much as one may appreciate simplicity in learning about the chakras, there is no unique or unified understanding of the 12-chakra system to this day. The knowledge about the 12 chakras mostly comes from modern perspectives expressed by contemporary healers and energy workers.

Put simply, there are 2 main types of configurations presented in modern healing schools of thoughts: The 12 chakras are located either both inside and outside of the body or all inside:

The first one locates 5 additional chakras outside of the human body in addition to the 7 primary chakras located from the base of the spine up to the crown. This is the most common way to represent the 12-chakra system, including one chakra below the root chakra and the remaining ones above the crown.

Another one includes all 12 chakras inside the human body, positioning 5 additional energy centers in-between the commonly known 7 chakras.

Despite the numerous variations of 12 chakras configurations, it’s important to note that the most commonly referenced energy centers are two additional chakras above the crown and the Earth chakra (or chakra located below the root chakra and the surface of the earth).

What is the meaning in the colours of the chakras?

While the chakra colors reflect different frequencies of light and energy associated with each energy center, their meaning may be related to the function of its associated chakras and general symbolism. When you see or use the following colors, you could make the following associations:

Meaning of the red chakra color: Red is the color of the root chakra (first chakra); it symbolizes safety, survival, grounding, nourishment from the Earth energy. Note that in chakra healing practices, red may denote inflammation at the physical level.

Meaning of the orange chakra color: Orange is the color of the sacral chakra (second chakra); it carries meanings associated with emotions, creativity, sexuality, and is associated with water, flow.

Meaning of the yellow chakra color: is the color of the solar plexus chakra (third chakra); it symbolizes mental activities, intellect, personal power, will.

Meaning of the green chakra color: Green is the color of the heart chakra (fourth chakra); it is connected with love, relating, integration, compassion.

Meaning of the blue chakra color: Blue is the color of the throat chakra (fifth chakra); it symbolizes self expression, expression of truth, creative expression, communication, perfect form and patterns.

Meaning of the purple chakra color (or deep indigo blue): Purple (or deep indigo blue) is the color of the third eye chakra (sixth chakra); it evokes intuition, extrasensory perception, inner wisdom.

Meaning of the white chakra color (or purple): White is the color of the crown chakra (seventh chakra); it’s associated with the universal, connection with spirituality, consciousness.

You can look at symbolic associations and the chakra system chart to determine the meaning of a specific color. Yet, the color of someone’s energy field is likely associated with the activity of one or several chakras. When paying attention to the auric field, it’s important to remember that colors do not necessarily have a definite, set meaning, but rather reflect the activity of the energy centers and their frequency or vibration.

For example, seeing purple around someone’s upper body while they are describing their calling in life might be due to a strong emphasis coming from their third eye chakra, an energy center we commonly rely on when we envision our purpose or use our intuition.

What Is Reiki and How Does it Relate to the Chakras?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It was discovered by a Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui, who learned to feel and channel the universal life energy that flows through every being. Every person can learn to use this energy for healing by going through a Reiki initiation in which a master awakens the student to Reiki energy.

Since Reiki was first discovered, it has always used the concenpt of energy centers that allow life energy, known as Ki, to move through the body. In the original Japanese tradition, these points are called tandens. Reiki practice originally focused primarily on one energy center, the Seika tanden, which is located in the lower abdomen below the navel. However, there are three tandens. The other two are located in the upper chest and in the center of the forehead.

Similarly, if you see flashes or a haze of pink around someone’s upper body, the heart might be involved and contributing to coloring the auric field.

Why do a meditation retreat with us?

Spiritual retreats are an invaluable tool on the path to true happiness. Time in retreat allows us to step away from the demands of our everyday life, so we’re able to listen deeply to the wisdom of our soul. Because whether your meditation motivation is to discover more peace and fulfillment, deeper love, or vibrant health, your spirit is the real source of all these things. In truth, a meditation retreat does not teach you anything you don’t already know. What it does is provide the tools, wisdom, and loving guidance to lead you back to what the deepest part of you understands as truth.

Primordial Sound Meditation, our signature style of meditation that you’ll experience at all of our meditation retreats, allows you to access your infinitely loving and joyful spirit, and bring it out into your daily life. Our world-renowned spiritual teachers and expert staff are there to support and guide you each step of the way, and help you move through any questions or obstacles that may come up. You’ll receive the profound immersive experience to help you fall in love with meditation, as well as the practical take-home tools to make it a joyous daily practice that continues to transform your life long after you return home.

Which meditation retreat is right for me?

No matter where you are on your spiritual path, our meditation retreats can provide exactly what you need to step into the next evolution of your life’s journey.

Our signature meditation retreat, Seduction of Spirit, is perfect for both new and experienced meditators looking to awaken to all the richness life has to offer and reconnect with the deep peace of their souls. Infinite Possibilities will guide you on a journey to joyfully manifest your desires with ease, and find and live your true purpose to infuse each moment with meaning. And Silent Awakenings is an intimate silent meditation retreat for advanced practitioners to journey into the wisdom of sacred silence and awaken to life’s most profound truths.

How does a Gaia Deep Healing Meditation retreats work?
Our meditation retreats provide the perfect opportunity and loving environment for an immersive meditation experience and profound spiritual awakening. Guided by world-renowned spiritual masters, supported by our expert staff, and surrounded by a supportive community of 7 to 21 or more participants, you’ll leave the demands of daily life behind to journey to a gorgeous location that has been hand-picked for its healing energy. With no diversions to distract you, you’ll awaken to who you truly are and discover your personal path to finding peace, happiness, and meaning in the midst of all things.

GAIA Deep Healing Meditation Retreats – We offer you Meditation Retreats where the focus is on Meditation, Mindfulness and your Spiritual journey to inner wisdom, clarity, connection and purpose.